EN-REaCH Learning LLP is a Social Entrepreneurial company formed by professionals, with few decades of experience across industries in leadership roles, having passion for social re-engineering & societal transformation. EN-REaCH Learning, the pronunciation signifies that we work for creating an enriching learning experience throughout the ecosystem i.e. for students, teachers, schools and parents. The Spelling is an acronym that signifies our Vision of Creating an Environment for Rejuvenating & Channelizing learning through a completely new & innovative experiential model.
Today, the challenge in front of schools, teachers and parents is alike how to handle / manage children who get distracted with so many external stimulants and lack the required discipline and dedication to pursue not just education but acquire right qualities to become successful in life. There are no schools yet that teach parents how to raise kids.
For teachers the burden of completing curriculum & other activities denies them the opportunity to address child behavioural issues. Schools in turn become victim of tussles and tension between Parents, Teachers and Students. We address these challenges by bringing in an innovative approach. We empower teachers and parents to effectively “Nurture the kids” without altering their teaching methodologies, syllabus or introducing any additional work.
An Environment possesses the power to determine children’s thoughts, actions and habits. Make the environment conducive for child development and a majority of your job is done! Identify and alter the environmental factors, witness astonishing results across multiple lives at once. En-Reach courses build your abilities to identify and alter the environmental factors to build your child’s environment. Our participants call it ‘En-Reach way of living’